With Child #3

With Child #3
She was Pregnant ....
Well, I used to work with her a couple of years ago until I preoccupied with another painting projects . Kind of lost the connection with her .
Months after, I reached out to my favorite old agency asking for a dynamic big frame female model regarding my new project and they offered she . " But she was not big " I said . Then they mentioned that she still is in a good shape and spending her 3rd trimester . 'Kind of growing shoulders and some layers " They said .
Next week , she was at my studio, posing long , still dynamic and even better than before .... More pretty , more attractive and deeply thoughtful ....
The paintings I made with her poses, got a lot of exposure . It was seems like people could see something unique and innocent . One of my American -Lebanese art collector, fell in love with this project and collected at least 8 pieces of those .
On below are the rest of available on Saatchi Online Gallery :
1) Friday Night
2) Incarnation
3) Outside is Cold
4) Sunday afternoon